Wednesday, December 16, 2009

School administration system - yes or no?

Today’s schools are constantly pressured to give the best education possible to students. Long gone are the days where teachers and educators get by with getting students to read the textbooks and giving them homework.

We need to think about how our students are absorbing the teaching material, how engaged they are in their learning and we as teachers also need to make sure they communicate in class actively. These are all very important development points and pose a tough challenge for the teaching workforce of today.

I find it absolutely amazing that some schools heap all these expectations on top of the administrative burden of running a school on their teachers. It’s about time school administrators embrace the use of a school administration system to help with their daily needs.

There are so many software out there which can really help schools. Some actually costs a lot but there are a number of software solutions that is very affordable like QuickSchools.

Anyway, if you do find more solutions that can help schools improve their productivity e.g. PBWorks maybe, share that with your friends and tell your administrators about it. At the end of the day, it’s the kids, the parents and the community that’ll emerge big winners as we as teachers improve.